We have all experienced this moment: you type a quick message to a colleague or friend and, just before pressing "send", a small suggestion appears, proposing a better formulation or correcting a typo that you did not notice. You accept the suggestion, send the message and continue your day.
What many do not realize is that this innocuous example is the modern incarnation of the "nudge" or "nudge". Artificial intelligence systems in our messaging tools discreetly "encourage" us to improve our writing, to be clearer, even more polite.
This subtle influence of machines on our day-to-day decisions extends far beyond just writing messages and raises exciting questions about the role that artificial intelligence plays in shaping our behaviors.
Human singularity in the face of the ubiquity of AI assistants
Artificial intelligence-based writing assistants, such as ChatGPT, have become ubiquitous in our daily interactions. While their primary purpose is to help and facilitate communication, their impact on the way we think, write and interact is much deeper. Indeed, these tools not only suggest grammatical corrections, but also influence the tone, style and sometimes even the content of our writings.
In this constant interaction with AI, a fundamental question arises: by systematically accepting these proposals, do we not risk erasing our singularity, our personal touch, in favor of a homogenization dictated by the machine?
Moreover, by delegating our thinking ever more to these assistants, do we not jeopardize our critical thinking, our ability to think autonomously and to question the suggestions made to us?
While these technologies promise efficiency and relevance, how to ensure that the human does not lose its quintessence, this essence that makes it unique and distinctive, in the face of algorithmic rationality?
AI assistants: level up?
At a time when written expression is dominant – whether in business communications, social media or even online administrative processes – the ability to write well has become a valuable skill. However, not everyone has had the chance to develop strong writing skills. The reasons can be varied: insufficient socio-cultural background, learning difficulties, dyslexia or language barriers for non-natives of a language.
This is where AI-based writing assistants come in. By offering suggestions, corrections and even reformulations, these tools can help those who are less comfortable with writing to express themselves with precision and confidence that they might not have had otherwise. It is not just about correcting grammar or spelling, but helping to clarify thinking, structure ideas and convey a message effectively.
The impact is potentially revolutionary. Imagine an entrepreneur who has brilliant ideas but struggles to write a compelling business plan, or an immigrant who wants to express his skills and experience in a cover letter but feels hampered by his imperfect command of the language. Through these tools, these individuals have the opportunity to express themselves in a way that accurately reflects their intentions and abilities.
In addition, the use of these assistants can be a springboard to improve one’s writing skills. By regularly observing corrections and suggestions, the user can, in the long term, assimilate certain principles and improve his writing independently.
Artificial Intelligence: between awakening critical sense and redefining common sense
It becomes imperative to strengthen our ability to assess and challenge the information presented to us. Whether through technology training, evaluation practice, bias awareness, or the development of curiosity, a keen critical sense is our first bulwark against misinformation and blind acceptance of algorithmic recommendations. The practice of empathy, the encouragement of debate and the continuation of training are essential to navigate with discernment in this constantly changing digital world.
Common Sense to the test of algorithms
Beyond our individual critical sense, the massive impact of AI on our collective common sense cannot be ignored. If these tools begin to shape a standardized form of opinion or knowledge, the nuances of our thinking could be overshadowed.
The erosion of our collective memory, the modulation of cultural expectations and even the evolution of social values are possible consequences of this technological omnipresence. Worse, if existing biases are integrated and reproduced, our own common sense could unintentionally perpetuate stereotypes or inequalities.
So, how to navigate this new era without losing our essence and our ability to think? The key is a combination of transparency, regulation, self-regulation and proactive ethics. Robust governance of AI technologies is essential to ensure their use for the common good. Furthermore, as individuals, we must continually refine our critical thinking, remain curious and engaged, and recognize the importance of our common sense as a cultural and moral compass.
Towards an enlightened coexistence with Artificial Intelligence
In a world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence, it is imperative to question its impact on society. The rapid rise of writing assistants, such as those based on GPT technology, has changed the way we communicate and express our ideas. If these tools can potentially democratize written expression, by making it accessible to a greater number, they also pose significant challenges, especially with regard to the preservation of our singularity and our critical sense.
To address these challenges and ensure that AI contributes to societal progress rather than obscurantism, here are five concrete actions to consider:
Continuing education and training: develop a deep understanding of AI through education, and strengthen citizens' ability to evaluate information.
Transparency and accessibility: push for greater transparency in the design and application of algorithms.
Ethical and responsible regulation: establish regulatory frameworks focused on ethics and human rights.
Promoting diversity in AI design: Ensure algorithms reflect a diverse range of experiences and perspectives.
Strengthening communities and public dialogue: Create open spaces for dialogue on the implications of AI.
The key is a combination of awareness, education, transparency and collaborative action. Only then can we successfully navigate this new era without losing our essence and core values!
Also check out our article on the AI toolkit for digital marketing